Monday, February 16, 2009

On Gematrias of Years

5770 may indeed include 770, which is the Gematra of Beit Moshiach, בית משיח
but... Beit Moshiach doesn't necessarily have to do with Moshiach's arrival.
Bi'at HaMoshiach, ביאת המשיח, which translates as Moshiach's Coming, is equal to 776, indicating 5776.


  1. please stop giving specific dates for moshiach this can hurt peoples emunah

  2. Hashem must realize how desperrate some of us are for Moshiach that we have to think up all of these clues

  3. I do not look to such things as a primary source, but as a supporting source.

    גימטריות *פרפראות* לחכמה

  4. They're not really sources because I read of different calculations as the years keep changing. I wish one would just hit- its almost like gambling in a weird way-hope this one's a winner!!!!

  5. Either way, if you add the kolel of 7 to Beit Moshiach, you get 5777, or the kolel of 1 to Bi'at HaMoshiach, ביאת המשיח,you get 5777, the year 5777-5778 that Rav Yedhuda HaLevi Ashlag of blessed memory gave for the coming of Moshiach. And while having Emunah is important,doing what you can to prepare yourself and the world for the geula is more important, and with 9 years to go, knowing the right timing is critical. At and the they explain how Rav Ashlag and other tzaddikim arrived at this date, and much more. It's fascinating and definitive; it's not based on assorted gematria ciphers of key words/phrases that are easily manipulated.

    Jeff (Ezra) Meiliken

  6. i sure hope that its not 9 years- tomorrow is not fast enuff- how can you take away people's kavana when they daven???? I cry during davening foe Moshiach today- gotta show Hashem that we want it badly

  7. Indeed, 66 until the Arizal, when another 66 started. Arizal reached his final tikun in 5332, 444 years before 5776.

  8. Ezra,

    Please read on the rest of the blog. Chas v'Shalom to stam come up with one gematria. Furthermore I did not say that 5776 is an expected time of Geulah.

    To Anonymous,

    You can work *with* Moshiach to ease his arrival. Come home to Eretz Yisrael and convince others to do likewise.

  9. רפאל, do you mean 5333 or are you implying the relation between 5800 (final tikkun) and 5801 (year 70)?

  10. I saw at Ezra's blog that he brings Rav Ashlag as having (as I understand it) "66" after the Arizal as 444 years, two thirds of 666. I note that subtracting 444 from 5776 gives 5332, the year of the Arizal's Petira, which I called his final tikun.

  11. I see it now. From where do we have that davka the third iteration to 2/3 is Moshiach from this? (4000 + 1333 + 444)

  12. Moshiach after 2/3 is from Chazal. That Moshiach would have come in 5334 is from the Arizal, if I remember well. I do not know a source for the third iteration, but it is natural.

  13. Well, if the count to 100 is a count of Yesod of Z"A, then Yesod of Z"A is Ateret HaYesod of Abba, no?

  14. So the question that follows is how one counts. Does one count backwards with 19 or with 12. With 12, one arrives just prior to Binyan Bayit Rishon.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Or 2931, just after, if the 12-count in 5319 is counted in both directions.

  17. Sorry, that was a mistake. It makes no sense to count both ways in 5319. The start would be 2919, from Bayit Rishon onwards.

  18. My question at that point is whether it is possible in the Navi to figure out in which year David HaMelech bought the Har.

  19. Rashi at Melachim Aleph 3:7 brings that the census was the last year of David. On the other hand, this makes it hard to account for David's extensive preparations for Beit HaMikdash, as in Divrei HaYamim.

  20. Mashma from Divrei HaYamim is that it was at least during Shlomo HaMelech's lifetime, he is called na'ar ve'rach.

  21. Midrash Agadat Bereshit brings that David was sick for 13 years. After he was healed he devoted himself completely to the Beit HaShem. The 13 seems a reference to the Bar Mitzva age of Shlomo. David became sick after his birth, because of the preceding sin. If so, Na'ar V'Rach would refer to age 13. Already Na'ar, but only just.
    Na'ar Katon in Melachim Aleph 3:7 could refer to age 19. Still Katan, but only just. If so, Shlomo became king at age 19, almost 20, in 2925, and the Kinyan of the Goren would have been in 2919.

  22. Or, Rach refers to age 3, and, if Shlomo was 19 when he became king, the Goren would have been bought in 2909.

  23. I can't find the pasuk right now, but wasn't Shlomo 12 when he rose to kingship and die the same age that Shmuel did?

  24. I also thought that, but I could not find the Pasuk either. Perhaps the source is just the Rashi in Melachim Aleph 3:7? If so, Rashi interprets Katan as we do nowadays, under 13. And I interpret it here as under 20. I would venture to say that 19 is the oldest age Shlomo could have had when he became king, in the light of Na'ar Katon, and 3 is the youngest age Na'ar V'Rach could refer to. It gives you the 2909 that you were looking for.

  25. If I remember correctly, it is a machlokes Rashi and Radak if Shlomo was 12 or 20 when he became king.

  26. I couldn't find the Radak over Shabbos (in Malachim 3:7 he says like Rashi) but the Abarbanel there says he was at least 20. Seder Olam ch. 14 says he was 12. Also see Nazir 5 and Temurah 15 and Rashi and Tosfos there as to the girsa (35, 36 or 37). Avshalom's rebellion might have been in 2919.

  27. Thanks for your help on this Danny. G-d willing I will get a chance to check this further later on.

    It looks like this might be a valid theory, either the Chochmah that Dovid received, with which the Beit HaMikdash was built, signaled the beginning of Yesod of Chochmah above. Alternatively, the birth of Shlomo indicates this new era.

  28. If the Magefa was in Din year 2909, that would be in 1789 in physical years, in the other system. So, 4000 physical years before 5789, David HaMelech almost died.

  29. Yasher Koach. Not quite a two thirds, unless it is 1789 until 7789. But regardless.

  30. Thanks. This approach provides an intriguing interpretation of the resh in expressions like רנ''ו and רע''ב.

  31. By this approach I meant your approach.

  32. Ok, but I still don't get what you mean. I'm saying that Yesod and Ateret HaYesod goes back also to Abba. How does this relate to the Reish?

  33. You are reading deeper than I intended to write. Resh is 200.

  34. And you are assuming a higher level of contemplation on my part than present. :)

    Now I understand. And indeed this makes it seem more profound.

  35. I sent it last week after the Shloshim. I'm confused with all of your email accounts, if you could send me an email from the one that you do use, I'll try to stick to that one.

  36. I found it and printed it out. I'll be going to a Mesiba tonight and take it with me.

  37. Great. Let me know if I should be mailing one of your other addresses.

  38. We are zocheh to be mentioned here:

    He writes something there about 66.6 Yovels after Yetziat Mitzraim. So 66.6 * 50 + 2448 = 5778. But there are problems there. One, why 66.6. Why not 66.66666 for the full 2/3 effect, and why not 2449 which is with shnat tohu, which brings us sometime in late 5782, just months before 506.5 steps on the Left, and 66.5 on the Right. To truncate the number here seems to be fudging the numbers. One decimal place seems artificial.

  39. Now we need to remember that the matter of Ateret HaYesod starts at 66.6666, but that 67 precedes this, and 67 is in late 5777, close to 5778. Perhaps this is the kesher. When does the tikkun fall then?

  40. There could be a Kesher, but I would like to see a reliable source explaining how this is related to Rav Ashlag. BTW, Yishar Koach for your work on the Yerushalmi. Do you have the Girsa of this Masechet from Machon Yerushalmi?

  41. Thanks, I don't have what you are referring to. All I have on the Yerushalmi is the Meorei HaOr Shas, Otzar HaShvi'it from Oz veHadar, and the Artscroll Brachot and Shvi'it. What did Machon Yerushalmi do? Similar to what I did?

  42. Yes, it is similar. Very worthwhile to have, a great tool if you want to study Yerushalmi and Bavli together. Order it by calling 052 8651340. They also have Moed Katan.

  43. So they only have those two masechtot? I am currently working on Megillah. When my brother went in to cardiac arrest, it was Purim morning, when I left Yerushalayim was leil Shushan Purim, so that year neither of us had Purim.

    I'm saving my agorot for Kaftor vaFerach for the stuff it has at the end on Yovel (chapter 50 or 52). Budget has gone down this year. Not income, just realization that I didn't have as much.

  44. Out of all the dates that have come and gone..this one shines above the rest. Thank-you
