Monday, May 11, 2009

Why 33?

A continuation of this post.
We are in day 33 of a count to 50 (of course we only reach 49, but that is another story).
It would seem to me that at 33, we are 66% of the way.  As the Zohar states in Parshat VaYera, 66 is related to Moshiach ben Yosef, and Moshiach ben Yosef reveals the secrets of Torah.
It also contains the exact 2/3 point, which hints at Ateret HaYesod, but we do not count partial days.


  1. The 33 days then represent the generations of Moshiach ben Yosef's suffering for Am Yisrael, who do not recognize him. But at 66 things turn around.

  2. And as the Ramchal teaches, the suffering includes him knowing what needs to be done, but being unable to put this knowledge in to motion. May it end shortly

  3. To anonymous poster: The suffering of Moshiach ben Yosef brings atonement for Israel. Part of this suffering is mental. The ones that know what needs to be done are kept out of the power positions that can execute their missions.

  4. Thanks for the answer!

    Is there a reason for this? Wouldn't it be easier if he would be in a powerfull position?

  5. The level of difficulty is dependent on Israel's repentance. If Israel doesn't repent, then the slow nature of the revelation is to show how G-d runs the world.

  6. "And as the Ramchal teaches, the suffering includes him knowing what needs to be done, but being unable to put this knowledge in to motion."

    Do you know if he will be able to do it own his own?

  7. Obviously he will have help. He won't be able to build the Temple with his own two hands, nor will he be able to shlep all Jews on his back that are still in exile.
