Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Tribes Represent The Upper World

The following is based on an idea that Moshe Gavriel posted in the comments section of the last post. I'm posting this in Hebrew due to the content.

בעליה הרביעית לפרשת מסעי, רשום שמות הנשיאים שינחילו לעם ישראל את ארץ ישראל. משום שבני גד ובני ראובן לקחו נחלתם בעבר לירדן מזרחה, נשיאיהם לא הוזכרו שם, ונשארו שעשרה נשיאים כתובים בפרשה, ויש שינוי באופן רישומם בפרשה:

שמות נשיאי יהודה, שמעון, ובנימין כתובים סתם.

שאר הנשיאים כתובים עם המלה "נשיא" כהקדמה.

כתוב בספרי הקבלה שהפרצוף זעיר אנפין מקביל בעולם האצילות את מצבי עם ישראל פה בזה העולם, וכנראה זה רמוז פה.

המלה "נשיא" מרמזת על מיתת המלכים, מ"אלה המלכים אשר מלכו בארץ אדום...", אשר מיתתם הוא ענין נפילתם מאצילות לבריאה. לכן שבעת הנשיאים, או יותר מדויק להגיד שבעת השבטים, מרמזים על חסד עד מלכות של ז"א. ויש לציין שמלכות של ז"א הוא נקרא עטרת היסוד.

באצילות, חל תהליך של יצירה מחדש של ז"א, עם עיבור, יניקה, קטנות, וגדלות. עניין הגדלות, הוא קבלת המוחין, השלשה ראשונים, חכמה, בינה, ודעת. אלה השלשה באים מהחלקים התחתונים של הפרצופים העומדים מעל ז"א, אשר בהם לא היתה מיתה, ולכן אין צורך להזכיר שם נשיא אצלם.

המוחין של ז"א הם מביאים לנו, לתחתונים, את הנבואה. ולכן מאוד מתאים שהפסקת הנבואה מעם ישראל לא התחילה עד גלות שלשת השבטים במלכות יהודה.

בזה נראה לי שגם ארץ ישראל בחלקים מרמזת על העולמות העליונים: מנשה נמצא בארץ ישראל העיקרית, וגם בצד המזרחית, כמו ש מלכות מהווה כתר דבריאה.

צאצאי מלכות יהודה, שבטי יהודה, שמעון, ובנימין, לא נעלמו מעיני ההסטוריה, מקור המוחין האלה הוא ענין אבא ואימא אשר להם לא שיך ענין הקליפות, וכו'.

השאלות הנשארות:

מהו ענין שמעון, המעורב ביהודה?

מהו ענין לוי המעורב בכל העשרה? חסדים וגבורות או רק הגבורות כפי שורש הלויים?

אתם מוזמנים לכתוב תיקונים למה שכתבתי פה.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Question on Parshat Mas'ei

The 4th Aliyah of this week's parshah, Mas'ei, lists the 12 tribal heads who are to be in charge of dividing the land during the time of Yehoshua bin-Nun.

The first 3 tribes listed are Yehudah, Shimon, and Binyamin.

From the 4th onward, all of them have the word "Nasi" in front of their name.

The grouping is obvious: Those 3 tribes would, after the time of Shlomo, be the Kingdom of Yehudah, and those 9 would be the Kingdom of Yisrael.

I didn't see any peirushim on this in Mikraot Gedolot.

Does anyone have any drashot on this?

And while we're at it, does anyone have a drash as to why they are called the 10 Tribes (which is a title given by Hashem in Melachim 1 11:35) when it is only 9?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

On Reuven and Gad from Doresh L'Tzion

The following is a translation of chapter 7 of HaMagid Doresh Tzion, part of the book Doresh L'Tzion, which is part of the set Torat HaGeulah.

One that Refrains from Helping the Mitzvah of Yishuv HaAretz is Considered as Among a Culture of Sinners

In parshat Matot, the request of B'nei Gad and Reuven to Moshe Rabbeinu is told, that he (Moshe) would give to them land for an inheritance on the eastern side of the Jordan. Moshe replies to them "Why would you turn away the heart of B'nei Yisrael from crossing to the land which Hashem gave them?", and in the rest of his words, he compares them to the spies that turned away the heart of B'nei Yisrael in to not coming to the land which Hashem gave them, and calls them a culture of sinners.

From Moshe's harsh answer to B'nei Gad and B'nei Reuven, we have much to learn for our times, for did B'nei Gad and B'nei Reuvent say anything bad about Eretz Yisrael? And it is only because they requested to settle on the eastern side of the Jordan that he called them "turners away of the heart of B'nei Yisrael from crossing the Jordan", and compares them to the Spies, and calls them a culture of sinners, and they replied "we will be armed and ready to go before B'nei Yisrael ... " and only on that condition did Moshe Rabbeinu acquiesce.

From here we learn 2 important ideas:

  1. Everyone that refrains from joining in Kibbutz Galuyot, and even though he doesn't harm the mitzvah at all is thought of as one that prevents the hearts of others from B'nei Yisrael from fulfilling this great mitzvah, and he is thought of as sinning the Sin of the Spies, and a helper of a culture of sinners.
  2. Anyone that helps Kibbutz Galuyot and Yishuv Eretz Yisrael with dedication brings a Tikkun against the Sin of the Spies, like the answer of B'nei Gad and B'nei Reuvent "we will be armed and ready to go before B'nei Yisrael".

And why all this? Because the Mitzvah of Yishuv Ha'Aretz is equal to all the other mitzvot in the Torah as brought in the Sifri on the verse "And you shall inherit it and settle in it" (Devarim 11). And thus is the ruling for the mitzvah of building Yerushalayim, for Kibbutz Galuyot and the building of Yerushalayim are connected according to the verse "Hashem builds Yerushalayim, the dispersed of Yisrael he will gather" (Tehillim 147).

Sunday, July 27, 2008

David HaMelech's Rise to Power

This is to fill in some details for this post.

The beginning of Shmuel Bet describes the chain of events from the time of the death of Shaul HaMelech.

  • Shaul HaMelech dies, his son, Ish Boshet, assumes the role of king. David moves with his people to Chevron, where the tribe of Yehudah takes David as their king.


  • The House of Shaul and the House of David battle, with the House of David constantly becoming more powerful at the expense of the House of David. (For an alternate opinion on the timing, see the Malbim on chapter 2 verse 10)


  • Avner ben-Ner, the general of Shaul and now Ish Boshet, tries to bring the nation under David HaMelech, but Yoav ben-Tzeruyah murders Avner to avenge Asa'el's death.


  • All Israel comes to Chevron to make David king of all Israel.


  • David HaMelech moves to Ir David, near the city of Yerushalayim. Chiram pays tribute to David. After coming to Yerushalayim, the Plishtim attack twice. After this, the Aron is brought to the house of Oved Edom haGiti and then Beit David, then 3 months later to Ir David.

Tachanot HaMidbar

B'nei Yisrael stopped at 42 different locations between Mitzraim and Eretz Yisrael, but only by some of them do we have a Mesorah as to what happened. I might fill in a few more later.
  1. Sukkot - B'nei Yisrael are joined by the Erev Rav on the way to Sukkot (Shemot 12:37-38)
  2. Eitam
  3. Pi HaChirot
  4. Marah
  5. Eilim - There were 12 springs and 70 date trees (Shemot 16)
  6. Yam Suf
  7. Midbar Sin
  8. Dofkah
  9. Alush - They received the Man (Ba'al HaTurim 33:13)
  10. Refidim - The war with Amalek (Shemot 17:8)
  11. Midbar Sinai - Maamad Har Sinai, Chet HaEigel
  12. Kivrot HaTa'avah - Recounted in BaMidbar chapter 11, includes the mitzvah to Moshe to appoint a Sanhedrin.
  13. Chatzeirot - Lashon HaRa of Miriam (BaMidbar 12)
  14. Ritmah - Sin of the Spies (Rashi to BaMidbar 33:18), Ma'apilim
  15. Rimon Paretz
  16. Livnah
  17. Risah
  18. Keheilatah - Ma'aseh Korach (Ba'al HaTurim to BaMidbar 33:22)
  19. Har Shefer
  20. Charadah
  21. Makheilot - Ba'al HaTurim also relates this to Korach (per the girsah I have here), but perhaps it is referring to chapter 17:6 onwards, which is the day after Ma'aseh Korach.
  22. Tachat
  23. Tarach
  24. Mitkah
  25. Chashmonah - The 25th stop is Chashmonah, like Chashmonaim, hinting at Chanukah.
  26. Moseirot
  27. B'nei Ya'akan
  28. Chor HaGidgad
  29. Yotvatah - Devarim 10:8 says that at that time, Hashem separated the tribe of Levi for its work. According to (if I recall correctly) Rashi, this happened earlier, but the placement of this statement by this Tachanah nonetheless is relevant here.
  30. Evronah
  31. Etzyon Gaver
  32. Kadesh - Death of Miriam, Moshe hits the rock (Bamidbar 20)
  33. Hor HaHar - Death of Aharon, war with Melech Arad
  34. Tzalmonah
  35. Punon
  36. Ovot
  37. Iyei HaAvarim
  38. Divon Gad
  39. Almon Divlataymah
  40. Harei HaAvarim
  41. Arvot Moav - Maaseh Ba'al Pe'or (Bamidbar 25)
  42. Har Nevo - Death of Moshe (Devarim 34)

B'nei Reuven and B'nei Gad's Deal

At the end of Parshat Matot, the tribes of Reuven and Gad request from Moshe to settle outside the land of Canaan, the lands conquered from Og and Sichon. Moshe's response here is quite telling, and a great lesson can be learned from this, as is brought in Chazon Tzion. Hopefully I'll get to type up that drashah some time.

What has been troubling to me is not the main deal, but rather the details.

  • If Reuven and Gad send men to fight, then they get to settle on the other side of the Jordan River.
  • If Reuven and Gad don't send to fight, then they will get to settle on the west side of the Jordan.

From my point of view, I had a hard time comprehending this deal. I spent much time desiring to make Aliyah before the realization. The Aliyah date was a constant focus for more than a year. Now here comes the Torah and tells Reuven and Gad that if they don't fight, they get a portion of Eretz Yisrael for nothing!

Difficult indeed. But to understand this properly, I believe that we must understand what Reuven and Gad were asking for.

Eretz Yisrael is a huge plot of land, from Nachal Mitzraim to Nehar Prat. However, Eretz Yisrael starts out small. It must be the land west of the Jordan first. The 12 tribes needed to settle there before expanding outwards. (Perhaps this hints at something else. Reuven and Gad offered to fight and stay in Eretz Yisrael-proper until the end of the division, which turned out to be 2503. If they would have just stayed in Eretz Yisrael proper, the further need of Galus would have been nullified.)

Essentially, Eretz Yisrael-proper is a land promised by HaKadosh Baruch Hu to fit our needs. By not following this mitzvah, Reuven and Gad essentially decided to settle in Chutz La'Aretz, in that Eretz Yisrael-proper wasn't settled first. They decided that Eretz Yisrael didn't have what they "needed", instead of adjusting their desires to match Eretz Yisrael.

Moshe then cuts a deal with them. If they will contribute in a meaningful way, then in spite of their residence in Chutz La'Aretz, they will be considered as if they are in Eretz Yisrael.

But if they don't follow through on this deal, what is their punishment? The mitzvah overrides their desire for materialism. That is to say, since they made Eretz Yisrael and their materialism mutually exclusive, Eretz Yisrael will win out, and they will be forced to make Aliyah.

So for me to understand this deal, I must read it like someone that doesn't want to be in Eretz Yisrael. Then it makes sense.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Honor of B'nei Yisrael

Parshat Matot teaches us an important lesson in very few words.

במדבר לא:ב - נקם נקמת-בני ישראל מאת המדינים

Bamidbar 31:2 - (Hashem tells Moshe:) Avenge the vengeance of B'nei Yisrael from the Midianites.

במדבר לא:ג - ... לתת נקמת-ה' במדין

Bamidbar 31:3 - ... to put the vengeance of Hashem upon the Midianites.

Hashem calls it the vengeance of B'nei Yisrael, Moshe calls it the vengeance of Hashem.

We must guard the honor of Am Yisrael and Hashem as if they are the same.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The 3 Weeks

Today is the 17th of Tamuz, a fast day which opens a 3 week period of mourning for the Beit HaMikdash, culminating on the 9th of Av.

The Mishnah of Masechet Taanit (4:6) recounts what happened on these days:

17th of Tamuz
  • The Luchot were broken (at the time of the sin of the Golden Calf).
  • The Tamid offering ceased to be brought.
  • The walls of Jerusalem were breached.
  • Apastomos burned the Torah.
  • He put up an idol in the Sanctuary.

9th of Av

  • Our forefathers were sentenced to not enter Eretz Yisrael after the Sin of the Spies.
  • The 1st Beit HaMikdash was destroyed.
  • The 2nd Beit HaMikdash was destroyed.
  • Beitar was captured.
  • Jerusalem was plowed.

While they are called 3 weeks, it is really a 22 day period, related to the 22 years that Yosef didn't see his father when he was sold down to Mitzraim (See last paragraph of this blog post).

Regarding the Tamid: If we look at the events of the 9th of Av in the Mishnah, we see that they are all chronological. Such seems not to be the case by the 17th of Tamuz.

It is brought in the Yerushalmi and the Bavli that sefer Yirmiyahu records the 9th of Tamuz as the date in which the walls of Yerushalayim were breached.


  • The Cessation of the Tamid: A Midrash is brought, describing the cessation in the time of the Bayit Sheini.
  • The Breaching of the Walls: In spite of the 9th of Tamuz being the date mentioned in Yirmiyahu, this part of the Mishnah is related only to the time of Bayit Rishon. The contradiction in the dates is attributed to confusion caused by the general turbulance at the time of the Churban. See the full text and commentaries for a fuller understanding.


  • The Cessation of the Tamid: The Bavli doesn't give commentary on this line, saying only that it is a tradition that this event took place on that date.
  • The Breaching of the Walls: Due to the contradiction of dates in Yirmiyahu, the Bavli takes the approach that this part of the Mishnah refers to Bayit Sheini.

So when it comes down to the Mishnah possibly relating to an explicit calculation in Sefer Daniel Chapter 12, nothing clear comes out, possibly to fulfill the words of Gavriel to seal the words until the end time.

It is written in Zecharyah chapter 8 that the fast days that we currently have as commemoration of the Churban will be times of joy and happiness in the future. The expression used, for joy and for happiness (לששון ולשמחה) is equal to the Gematria of my name, so I am familiar with other phrases of that Gematria, namely Shemot 6:2, which hints at equality between the Left and Right.

That is to say, when we reach equality on the Left and Right, these days will indeed be times of joy and happiness for Am Yisrael. May we be zocheh to experience this joy and happiness in our days.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thoughts for Today

The news today is difficult, it makes me think of a Kabbalistic teaching.

There is an idea that when the Sefirot are in place, they bestow their light out through their front side downwards. The front gives off far more light than the back. When the Sefirot move up, they turn their front upwards. This causes the amount of abundance bestowed to be severely restricted, as it comes out of the back side. But when the Sefirot reach their new higher level, they then turn around again, giving off what, in relation to the restriction, seems like an extremely bright light.

May our pain signal that we are nearing the next level.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

David HaMelech as Moshiach

A talmid of this blog sent this to me. The wording and commentary is mine, the chiddush is his.

According to the chronology from Seder Olam Rabba, David HaMelech was born in the year 2854, which is exactly half of 5708.

Let's assume that David HaMelech's life, therefore, parallels now, only half as fast.

David HaMelech rose to power at age 30, but only over the tribe of Yehudah, from Chevron, for 7.5 years.

mid-5708 + 30 * 2 = mid-5768.

7.5 * 2 = 15

mid-5768 - mid-5783

Therefore, the time when David HaMelech reigned only over his own tribe parallels what has already been written here.


  • I could bring a kashya, in other places I have written slightly less than 15 years. But behold we have written in one place in Divrei HaYamim 1 29:26 that David HaMelech only reigned in Chevron for 7 years. 7 + 7.5 = 14.5, bringing us to the time of the Omer 5768 until the beginning of 5783, as we have seen before.
  • Furthermore, it seems to me that Chevron represents Zechut Avot, which is necessary for the Geulah: 15 years for the 3 forefathers, 5 years each. One the Zechut is aroused, we can arrive at Yerushalayim.
  • Alternatively, the 15 years could be re-divided in 2, each 7.5 years represents another aliyah to Yerushalayim.
  • The Talmud Yerushalmi Brachot 2:4 (17a) brings the idea that David HaMelech is Moshiach.

Monday, July 14, 2008

On the Calculation: Yovel and Shmitah Together

A calculation is mentioned here in the Zohar Chadash. Here is the translation that I made:
At the time of the End of Days, according to the hour of the day, at the time that the sun shines, from the 6th Day, at the time that is ready according to the count of years, of Yovel and Shmitah together, which is רע"ד (Raa'd, 274 in Gematria) from the 6th Day. At that time a single voice is prepared to awaken at the heights of the upper heavens, a sad and bitter voice, such that hasn't been since the day that the world was created.
There are multiple elements to this.
  • This is during the 6th millenium (the 6th day)
  • It is during the time that the sun shines
  • Shmitah and Yovel will intersect
  • It is רע"ד from the 6th Day

I have shown that the 47th Yovel from the time of Ezra was the year 5727. I have stated, without providing an explanation, that Shmitah was also in the year 5727, hinting that one who wants to learn more should look at Zohar Parshat Behar.

The Zohar also confirms the calculation.

What I haven't explained is why it says:

... according to the hour of the day, at the time that the sun shines ...

This seems to be hinting at the counting of the hours of the 6th day as 24 hours, where 5000-5500 is the 12 hours of "night" and 5500-6000 is the 12 hours of "day". This seems to be a confirmation of the validity of the system used in Kol HaTor, which is in contrast to the system used in Pirkei D'Rebbi Eliezer that we are to divide 1000 by 12 hours alone.

This statement is necessary, for there is one other instance in the 6th millenium that Shmitah and Yovel intersect during the "night", 10 Yovels prior. Of course this instance doesn't fulfill the "confirmation" statement that it is 274 from the 6th millenium.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

5769 as the Beginning of an Era

There are many posts on this blog which show a relation between certain aspects of our history and our time, in such a way that certain years keep showing up repeatedly. The closest of these years is next year, 5769.

  • The Birth of Esav, a metaphor for a crack in the Erev Rav, and a beginning of conflict with Esav.
  • The 7 years of Conquest of Eretz Yisrael from Yehoshua begin: Here too there is a metaphor: Yehoshua and Eretz Yisrael both symbolize other ideas.
  • The year 5769 is also related to the idea of Ateret HaYesod, but in a hidden way.

We should learn from this that the world will not be ending imminently, that there is still work to do.

The most concrete activities (more in depth here: here):

  • Aliyah
  • Supporting the establishment of the Sanhedrin
  • Building up Eretz Yisrael in general, Yerushalayim in particular

To read further the ideas of the Keitz Meguleh, please read through the posts here.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Go, Lessen Yourself

The Midrash says that Hashem told the Moon to lessen herself during the week of creation.
A Solar Year is 365 days and 1/4.
A Lunar Year is 354 days, 8 hours, and 876 chalakim (29 days, 12 hours, 793 chalakim, times 12 months).
The difference between those two numbers is 10 days, 21 hours, and 204 chalakim, which is approximately 10.883 days.
In year 1, these years were in sync, but every year, Lunar Years are completed 10 days, 21 hours, and 204 chalakim before the accompanying Solar Year.
6000 Lunar Years, by extension, finish 6000 * (10 days, 21 hours, and 204 chalakim) sooner than our count. That would be the year 5821/5822 (corrected per comments below)

The 12 Day Year over 6000 Years

Here, I wrote that the 12 year cycle is like a day. Therefore over 6000 years, we have 500 days.

This is all based on Tekufat Nissan, so let's start with the world being created on the 1st of Nissan, and count forward 500 days.

Obviously the Hebrew calendar has its variances, for simplicity sake I used Nissan 5768 to Adar 5769 for determining month lengths.

Day number 500 is the 29th of Av, my birthday.

The 29th of Av is brought down by Rashi as the end of the 2nd period of 40 days. On the 29th of Av, Moshe attained forgiveness for the Sin of the Golden Calf. However, it was only 40 days later that the 2nd Luchot were received, on the 10th of Tishrei, Yom Kippur.

At the end of 500 days is forgiveness, but only 40 days later takes us back to before the sin itself.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Last week's parshah told how after Miriam HaNeviah's passing, Am Yisrael ran out of water.

We are moving in a similar direction ourselves.

See here and here.

The last big drought, also during Shmitah 7 years ago (do not quickly look pass this seeming coincidence) brought measures to conserve water. I remember hearing about one city (was it Tel Aviv?) that decreased the water pressure being supplied to consumers in an effort to preserve.

Here we are, nearing the point called the "black line", the minimum necessary amount of water from which pumping is physically possible, and it is just today that conservation measures are being announced.

May Hashem soon send us the rains that are so desperately needed here.

And may Hashem give us the wisdom to use our resources wisely to solve our problems.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Comprehensive Timeline

There are numerous posts on this blog which attempt to classify the years of our generation according to different ideas. I've put the majority of them together in one place, which will hopefully facilitate easier study.

The spreasheet spans 5708 to 5795, and has a different column for each idea. Row 2 of each column has a link to the appropriate blog post.

It's not the most attractive spreadsheet, but it contains much data.

Here it is.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Avraham's Arrival in Eretz Yisrael

In chapter 12 of Breishit, we see the history of Avraham's Aliyah, his 1st year, if you would:

  • The Mitzvah to come to Eretz Yisrael.
  • Avraham comes to Eretz Yisrael with Sarah, Lot, and all of the souls that they had made. (Ateret HaYesod. Also, all the souls they made: the Borer of Galus is over.)
  • They came to Shechem, but the Canaanites were there then. (Shechem symbolizes Yosef)
  • Avraham has a prophecy from Hashem, and builds a mizbeach, and then travels south. (Mizbeach as a precursor to the Beit HaMikdash)
  • There is a drought, Avraham goes with Sarah to Pharoah. (Before the great Aliyah, there is a Yeridah. ועת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יושע)
  • Avraham becomes exceedingly wealthy both upon arriving, and more so upon leaving Mitzraim. (The Zechirah brings physical abundance to Am Yisrael)
  • Avraham returns to the place that he was at first, between Beit El and the Ai. (Again the Beit HaMikdash)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Explanation of Ateret HaYesod

A few more hints.

The Zohar in Parshat VaYera 119 mentions, in regards to its counting for events related to the Geulah, that there are 100 years total.

These 100 years are not linear or consecutive years. They are the years during the 6th millenium of Yesod mentioned in Kabbalah; the Geulah is connected to Yesod. The overall Sefirah of Yesod is divided in 2:

  • Yesod: 0% - 66.66%
  • Ateret HaYesod: 66.66% - 100%

If the 100 years are divided like this, the 66 and a half mentioned in the Zohar is the switching point between Yesod and Ateret HaYesod.

A half "time" mentioned in the Zohar is 6 years and 6 months long.

Results of this counting gives us:

  • The Year 66 begins in 5776 (also the 66th Yovel year from the time of Yehoshua)
  • The Year 67 begins in 5777

Therefore the time of 66 and a half is in the year 5783.

  • Yesod is from year 1 until year 66 and a half.
  • Ateret HaYesod is from 66 and a half until 100.

So the period of Yesod ends completely in the year 5783, but the period of Ateret HaYesod starts in the end of 5777, this gives us an overlap of a bit over 5 years, wherein Yesod and Ateret HaYesod are mixed.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hints on the Zohar's Years

These are hints that help shed light on some of the other posts (particularly The Sod of Avraham's Location) and comments througout this blog. Hopefully this will spur further study in some of the readers.

  • The years mentioned in the Zohar fall at varying intervals.
  • The "half time" (פלג עידן) mentioned is a constant amount of time.

I'm turning off comments for this post, but there is an email address on my profile if needed.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I Was Having Lunch

I was having lunch with my family in downtown Yerushalayim at one of the few fast food joints with a good hechsher, and then the sirens began.

First an ambulance.

Then a police van.

Then a Hatzoloh motorcycle.

Then an army truck.

And another ambulance.

Another Hatzoloh motorcycle.

A police officer is directing cars towards downtown, no westbound traffic is allowed.

One Chillul Hashem begets another. May Hashem help us to finally sanctify His name as is proper.

Hashgachah Pratit:

We were originally going to go to a fancy fish restaurant (by Gan Sacker) for lunch to use a gift certificate that we have; the closest bus stop to that is basically where the attack took place. I decided that it was too inconvenient.


One of my friends tells me that the bus that was overturned was one of the 2 buses that runs from my neighborhood.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Sod of Avraham's Location

I brought an idea in The Sprouting of Moshiach that the lives of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov are replaying, on a certain level, with modern history, starting with the founding of the State of Israel in 5708.

One idea that came out was that Avraham Avinu made it to Eretz Yisrael in 2023, which would parallel to 5783.

Per the GR"A on the Seder Olam (which I typed up here), Avraham Avinu left Ur Kasdim at age 70, dwelling in Charan for 5 years, then arriving in Eretz Yisrael at age 75.

This would parallel as follows:

  • 5708 - 5778 - Avraham is in Ur Kasdim
  • 5778 - 5783 - Avraham is in Charan
  • 5783 and onwards - Avraham is in Eretz Yisrael

As I have mentioned before, 5783 will begin the period of Ateret HaYesod. Due to reasons which I will not explain here, there seems to be actually an overlap period between Yesod and Ateret HaYesod, which lasts from the end of 5777 (fairly close to 5778) to 5783.

That is to say:

  • Up to 5778 is the Midah of Yesod
  • 5778 - 5783 - Yesod and Ateret HaYesod
  • 5783 and onwards - Only Ateret HaYesod

Avraham's arrival to Eretz Yisrael represents the spiritual elevation that will take place with Yemot HaMoshiach.