Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yishmael's Merit

If Yishmael received 1300 years to control Jerusalem in return for being 13 years old when he was circumcised, then let us examine this closely:

Muslims captured Jerusalem in 4398 (638CE), and were kicked out by the Crusaders 461 years later in 4859 (1099CE).

Muslim control of Jerusalem was again restored in the year 4947 (1187CE).

That means that when they captured Jerusalem in 4947, there were 1300-461 = 839 years of control of Jerusalem left.

4947 + 839 = 5786 (2026CE), which is 1335 years after the end of the Dome of the Rock's construction.


  1. so they still have it for three years after moshiach comes?

  2. I would just metaretz that until we complete the binyan, there is an achizah.

  3. Thanks for this extraordinary observation.

  4. So, Yishmael could claim that his 1300 years end only in 5786. That is 78 years after 5708. According to what I wrote, the 1300 years are from 4408 to 5708. Now, the year 4408 is 78 years after the birth of the founder of Islam. There is a symmetry.

  5. What is the svara for davka 4408 instead of 4398? One of the advantages I see here is that it takes the Zohar's words out of the realm of estimation.

  6. One could ask why, if Yishmael is entitled to 13 centuries, the crusaders managed to intervene. I offer the following answer. According to Din, Yishmael's rule is 4408-5708. He grabbed it 10 years before, in his murderous fashion. He had to pay back 10-fold, meaning that the count of 13 centuries continues during the crusader's rule. Now, Yishmael may argue and not accept this, and follow the calculation that you give. Lifnim MiShurat HaDin it must be granted.

  7. And Tzion. I just thought I'd put that out there. I don't have time at current to dwell on that too much to figure it out, but I see that exchange of ideas is definitely worth while here.
