Sunday, January 13, 2008

8th Tikkun - Tikkunim Chadashim

Here's a short translation from Tikkunim Chadashim of the Ramchal, Tikkun #8. This can be found on page 86 of Machon Ramchal's edition, with translation from Aramaic to Hebrew.

And just like (Moshiach ben Yosef) needs death to fix this defect, thus about (Yisrael) it is said (after the Sin of the Spies): In this desert they will be finished and there they will die (Bamidbar 14:35). And also Moshiach ben Yosef after halfway through the sixth day is set to die, to fix a complete Tikkun. And from there and onword the two trees will join as one to stand in one completeness.


  1. This is the principle. The Erev Rav of the right will rise and try to bring their Moshiach and this can be fatal for Moshiach ben Yosef. But if we do Teshuva, and remove the Tum'ah of the right before it gets dangerous, Moshiach ben Yosef will not die, but live to be רעיא מהינמא

  2. Also we should note the implication regarding 5751.

  3. Also a remez, he will die at chatzot, and then the 2 Moshiach's will come together. As in the next Moshiach ben Yosef won't die.

  4. If you divide the sixth day into 24 hours, indeed. If the next Moshiach ben Yosef will not die, Moshiach ben Yosef already died at the altar of the false Moshiach of the left.

  5. Though the majority of the actual deaths appear to be at the hand of the Right (Externally as of now).

  6. Do you believe that there is danger in mentioning specific names wrt Mashiach?

  7. That's a loaded question. Let me divide it up:

    If you mean those Moshiach's of the generation before the final one, I don't think it's a problem.

    If you mean regarding the final Moshiach, then in general yes, it is a problem, at this stage in history.
