Friday, April 4, 2008

Tazria and Yovel

(For more on the subject of Yovel, click here to return to the Table of Contents.)

Please see here for context. There are 33 "days" after birth before a "woman" can go to the Beit HaMikdash / the place of the Beit HaMikdash if the child is a boy. It is a 66 day wait if the child is female.

According to the shitah that I have brought before, the 66th Yovel year that Am Yisrael will have ever been through, starting from the time of Yehoshua bin-Nun, is 5776.

The details of the list:

2555 is Yovel year 1. Continue every 50 years, last Yovel being 3305. For the next two Yovels, count forward 49 years. We have counted up to 18.

3465 is Yovel year 19. Continue every 50 years, last being 3865. For the remaining Yovels up until 5776, count every 49 years.

Shabbat Shalom


  1. Exactly - 33 centuries, 66 yovels.

  2. That the math works out like that in spite of the 49 years mixed with the 50 years, and starting late... that's the pele to me.

    And anyway:

    שיתין ושית בכל מקום

  3. Yovel catching up like this during the long Galut shows something about the big plan behind it. This was known to the sages who stipulated that Yovel in the Galut is very 49 years. It seems the Rambam did not understand this Mesoret, but accepted it anyway.

  4. Total number of years saved in arrival to 66 based on this Yovel = 39. Basically a full generation moved up.

    Anything to report on the Igeret?

  5. I will write you, B'Ezrat HaShem.

  6. Pardon my ignorance:

    The latest quote I brought from Zohar Pinchas and Yahel Ohr references Tikkunei Zohar Chadash. What exactly is that? Is it the Tikkunim at the end of Tikkunei Zohar printed at the end of the sefer saying they are like 1-20?

  7. I think I found the answer, that it is printed with Zohar Chadash and not Tikkunei Zohar... but alas I don't think it is in the Zohar Chadash that I have. I will check again when I get home.



  10. ...zohar/zochtik.pdf

  11. Too bad a search is not possible (due to the font used), it seems the text is only searchable from Bar Ilan Responsa. I ran a search at there is an instance of רנ"ו referring to a Keitz. But alas I don't know what page it is on to look up on that PDF.

  12. I wouldn't have found this without the Responsa website, for there is a typo in the text. Page 11 of the PDF, top half of the page (the inyan starts at least on the prior page).

  13. Here's a quote of part of the relevant part.

    And because of this, every Keitz of every level is according to the merit of mankind. But the Keitz of HaKadosh Baruch Hu is not dependent on their merit. And there is 72 after the fifth millenium according to its measure. And there is 72 after 1200, according to its measure, and there is 256 of it (implying 256 is part of 72 after 1200, and not the other way around as I had thought), "for eye to eye they will see". There is another Keitz (at) 245 according to its measure, and this is level of love which is HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

  14. And also see page 131 (bottom)/132(top)

  15. What happened at 45? In view of history, my answer would be Chochmot HaOlam, but in view of the text this seems not so easy.

  16. כפום ההיא מדה is written for them all but this one, which is כפום מדה

    I don't see what it could be.

  17. I always considered the Maxwell equations to be Divine. They led straight to Einstein's relavistic Chidushim, and to all of advanced Quantum Mechanics (gauge theories).

  18. Perhaps כפום מדה here means that it isn't related directly to the quality of the rest of the kitzim here.

  19. It could be, let us say, more universal.

  20. Your knowledge in this field far surpasses mine: was there an event davka in that year related to what you mention? I don't see anything via a cursory search of the topic in wikipedia.

  21. Maxwell stands out. The insights developed over the years, I don't think one particular year stands out. If this is true, the mussar could not be clearer: לא תליא בזכון. We did not even merit to start this. Think. Awakening from below. Non-Jews did 45, and then secular Jews took over. Secular Jews did 56, and 60. And religious Jews took over. To a degree, but still, and 66 will be for us. May it be so.

  22. 60 for the awakening of Yaakov
    6 for the awakening of Yosef

    60 for the awakening of the first Moshiach
    6 for the awakening of the second Moshiach

    0-60 for the awakening of Am Yisrael
    60-66 for the awakening of Moshiach ben Yosef
    66 onward for Moshiach ben Dovid.

    I.e. the Zohar (the second sets of statements above) is mentioning the beginning of the awakening.

    Indeed we can affect the quality of the events, regarding who made these advances, but it is not dependent on merit and therefore Am Yisrael gets dragged along to an extent.
