Sunday, August 31, 2008

10 Steps to Galus

In Rosh Hashanah 31a, it is brought that the Shechinah went through 10 stops on the way to its Exile in the time of Churban Bayit Rishon, and that as a parallel, the Sanhedrin went through 10 stops on its way in to Exile.

The Shechinah's departure from its proper resting place caused the removal of the highest form of Truth that is available to us, prophecy.

The Sanhedrin's departure from its proper resting place caused the removal of the highest expression of Torah in man's hands.

Both were not immediate, the departure of the Shechinah stretched for years, the departure of the Sanhedrin was generations.

Let us not be surprised that the reversal of this problem also takes time.


  1. The Gemara makes the interesting point that the last stop of Sanhedrin, Teveryah, is a very low place.

  2. If there are steps to Galut, and opposing them steps to Geulah, which start at the Pekidah, we should notice that there are 2 opinions in the Gemara, the first brought is that there are 10 steps, the other 6.
