Friday, March 28, 2008

Between Pekidah and Zechirah

We stand today between two great lights, Pekidah and Zechirah. The Pekidah was a great light, the 2nd part of the 4 parts of Geulah. The light of the Zechirah, unlike the Pekidah, does not fade away. Its Tikkunim are permanent. The extremely lengthy Zohar Chadash translation I posted here seems to be referring to this period of time. The calculation seems to hinge on the year 5751. Per Kol HaTor, 5750 is the end of the last generation, implying the beginning of a new era thereafter.

  • The beginning of the Pekidah was in 5727, 24 years before 5751.
  • The end of the darkness which follows the Pekidah is in 5775, 24 years after 5751.

It is darkest before dawn.

Prior to the Six Day War, there was great darkness and fear. The light was so great that "we were like dreamers" (Tehillim 126). A new Teshuvah movement followed the war, akin to the Ramchal's description of the very reason for the Pekidah. Nonetheless, Israeli history has been in decline since that point. Israeli confidence did not match the mechanics of what was occurring behind the scenes (both physically and spiritually), and after the 6 year period of the Pekidah ended, the Yom Kippur War commenced. War after 6 years of relative quiet.

Another great light is approaching at the next Yovel year, 5776, when the Zechirah will begin. While there are fundamental differences, there are parallels. It is the same Other Side that realizes that this is another step towards its extinction, and as such, the darkness will increase in the years leading up to this, as the Zohar Chadash describes. The quick fading of that great light, however, will not repeat like it did 40 years ago.

Our task at this time is to head off this darkness.


  1. "The beginning of the Pekidah was in 5727"

    Mashiach's bar mitzvah year.

  2. I wasn't aware that you thought Pollard is Moshiach.
