Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Iterations of 2/3

On comments to a  previous post, someone left a comment pointing to their blog, which brought an idea that the Geulah is related to iterations of 2/3.

  • 6000 * 2/3 = 4000
  • 4000 + (6000-4000) * 2/3 = 5333.333
  • 5333.333 + (6000 - 5333.333) * 2/3 = 5777.777
The implication is that once we reach this 2/3 point, the Geulah will arrive and Moshiach will come, either in late 5777 or in 5778.  This is obviously at odds with things that I've written here, but it corresponds nicely to something else that I've written here.  The basic idea is that yes, Ateret HaYesod (the 2/3 point), which is related to the Geulah, will start in that year, but it is mixed with Yesod until 5783.


  1. But none of those years appear to me to be Motzoi Shemita, when Moshiach is to be revealed, except...?

  2. You're right. It appears that all 3 of those years are key.
